HKPKIF was honored to be appointed by the APKIC jointly to organize the “2013 APKIC Steering Committee Meeting and General Assembly” and the “APKIC
International Symposium” in Hong Kong on 14 and 15 January 2014. Hong Kong Trade Development Council was invited to be supporting organization.
Cyberport and Certizen were event sponsors.
Theme of the International Symposium was “Cross-Border Electronic Payment Challenges & Opportunities” and a luncheon focused on “Promoting a healthy
Theme of the International Symposium was “Cross-Border Electronic Payment Challenges & Opportunities” and a luncheon focused on “Promoting a healthy
growth of the electronic retail payment sector – the recent efforts of the HKMA” was held at lunch break of the symposium. Both events were special sessions
of Asian Financial Week. Around 300 audiences, who were from government, non-profit organizations, IT industry, and especially local banks, participated in the
symposium and luncheon. The successfully conclusion of this APKIC anchor event seemed Public Key Infrastructure, the technology developed nearly 30 years
ago, may be re-recognized and become popular again with the fast developing of e-commerce and growing needs of protecting on line transaction security.