The Asia PKI Consortium General Assembly / Steering Committee Meetings and International Symposium, “e-Authentication and Cross-Border Electronic Transactions
– the Road towards Digital Economy” were successfully held on 17th -18th December, 2014 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Mr Philip Leung voted on behalf of HKPKIF at the APKIC General Assembly / Steering Committee Meetings and presented the opening remarks as the chairperson of
Mr Philip Leung voted on behalf of HKPKIF at the APKIC General Assembly / Steering Committee Meetings and presented the opening remarks as the chairperson of
APKIC at the Symposium on the following day. HKPKIF was elected to be the 2015-2016 Chairman of APKIC.
The event was well attended by foremost PKI experts, policy-makers and enthusiasts from the IT industry, government and non-profit organizations from Cambodia,
The event was well attended by foremost PKI experts, policy-makers and enthusiasts from the IT industry, government and non-profit organizations from Cambodia,
China, Chinese Taipei, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand.